25 December 2012

Baby Feeding Bottle Tips

There are two things that make a baby. The first is sleeping, and the second is feeding. In baby’s life, sleeping is as important as feeding. On the same hand, both of them are also complicated. However, feeding baby can be considered as more complicated than to make the baby sleeping. That is somehow true, for sometimes a mother just can’t breastfeed their baby because of many reason that the baby should feed from the bottle. Baby Feeding Bottle is what I am going to talk about here, and I think I have several tips in Baby Feeding Bottle which may bring benefits to you, as parents.

In you want to feed your baby, the very first thing that you have to do it to sit your baby up, or cradled them in your arms. According to the NICU, if you are baby feeding bottle, the baby’s position depends on the time the baby born. If you are bottle feeding a preemie, you should sit them up, for preemie babies tend to be very sleepy when feeding. So, sit your baby on your lap, use your hand to support their head and shoulders. On the other hand, the babies born at term are okay to feed in your arms. While you are feeding the baby, make sure you’re the other hand id holding the bottle and supporting the chin and cheeks to make the baby get good seal on the nipple.

Baby Feeding Bottles

Secondly, when you want to Baby Feeding Bottle your baby, make sure you do mouth exercise for that you can perform to your baby to help them get prepared for feeding. You are recommended to circle their lips with your fingers and let them move their lips. You can also stoke their chin to get the same effect. Moreover, you can also squeeze the baby’s cheeks gently together.

Then, another thing which is also important both in Baby Feeding Bottle as well as breastfeeding it to keep the pace of the baby. Thus, make sure you pause feeding them for moment to let them breath freely. Sometimes, your baby will gags, and find trouble in breathing as well.

Besides knowing how to bottle feeding your baby appropriately, you should also keep their bottle and nipples clean. Cleanliness is indeed important. And to keep it clean, do not forget to wash them in hot or warm water to clean the bacteria and to remove the dirt as well. You can brush smoothly the baby bottle with baby bottle brushes

Baby Feeding Bottles Brushes

Lastly, those several tips that you may take for bottle feeding your baby. Good luck with that.

Baby Feeding Bottles Image
Courtesy of http://www.lincobaby.com.tw